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Small Business Publications


 An Informative Guide for Business Owners on Managing Cash Flow
We a library of small business information that is available in a variety of formats; from booklets on specific topics such as Cash Flow or Marketing, to newsletters (online or printed), to magazine formats covering a number of topics. All of our publications are available in Spanish and we also offer translation services for your materials.


All of our publications are also available in electronic format for use on your web site or just linked to ours.  It expands up your printed message exponentially  and offers periodic updates to the on line version in between reprints of the publication. For a great example check out our national program to assist returning veterans. Just click on the Veterans button on the navigation panel.

All graphic and design elements will be created by our professional staff to fit your standards and complement your existing materials. Don’t have a logo or graphic look established yet?…we can take care of that too!

You will see that our publications are written in a way that is down to earth and understandable yet not condescending. We are not trying to impress our B-School buddies but rather share tips and techniques that make starting and managing a business easier.

We also offer to test our publications and programs with your organization. You determine if the results justify expanding the program. Give us a call to discuss this radical approach! Why radical? Because we don’t know anyone else who would consider offering it when, in reality, it just makes sense!


Want to see a .pdf of any of our publications? Just let us know!



1025 Oxford Drive
Englewood,FL 34223



 © 2025 White and Company All rights reserved

Web design by KaSondera at:www.completewebpagedesign.com
